Online training course - Risk Assessment

The 'Risk Assessment' training course aims to raise awareness of the procedures involved in risk assessment and identifies how everyone from managers to employees can contribute to the risk assessment process.

The Risk Assessment course illustrates the different phases involved in a risk assessment and the criteria which must be addressed to make the risk assessment process work effectively. There is information and documentation on how to produce effective risk assessments.

Course modules :

  • What is Risk Assessment ?
    Outlines the legislative requirements and defines the terms 'risk assessment', 'hazard' and 'risk'.
  • What Should a Risk Assessment Do ?
    Outlines the steps which comprise any risk assessment and provides guidance to persons carrying out a risk assessment.
  • Looking for Hazards
    Considers the search for hazards caused by human factors, those with technical causes and those which are a feature of both the task and the workplace.
  • Conducting & Recording a Risk Assessment
    How to produce a suitable and sufficient risk assessment concordant with current health and safety legislation.
  • Risk/Hazard Control
    How to use the risk assessment to decide on the control measures which need to be taken, having regard to the duties imposed by health and safety legislation.
  • Maintaining Risk Assessments
    Techniques to be used to ensure risk assessments remain valid.
  • Worked Example
    How to complete a risk assessment form.
  • Self Test - 20 questions covering each of the previous modules. A certificate is offered if the test is passed.


The Risk Assessment training course is ideally for:

Employers, managers, employees, the self-employed and any persons responsible for risk assessment management in the workplace.

Risk Assessment training course timing:

This 'Risk Assessment' course takes approximately 70 minutes to complete. You are purchasing one copy of this course, with one attempt at the test at the end.

Click on the pictures to view sample pages from the course.

Tracking of progress takes place on every page of the course. Therefore, if there is a failure for any reason, you can log in again and carry on with the course until completion.

Self Assessment

The course contains an interactive self assessment with mutiple choice questions to test your understanding of the contents of the course. On successful completion of the test, you will receive a downloadable certificate of competency which you may print.

How to buy and do the course

Each course costs £14.95+vat (£17.94) which you order and pay for online. Payment is via paypal, which allows you to use a debit or credit card. We are not given any of the payment or personal details.

When you purchase a course - you are buying one copy of the course which contains tutorial material and a test. The test has a passmark of 75%, and you get one go at the test. If you fail it, you must buy another copy and have another go.

See the 'Help' option below for more details about how to buy and do this course.

  • Member of ROSPA